The first thing would be to set up the set for the shoot itself. The idea behind the set-up would be to set it up so that there are two cameras on both actors. Actor 1 is the Student, who is listening to Actor 2, the Tutor. The Student would be sitting at a 45 degree angle from where The Tutor is standing. This is how I envision it looking from a bird's eye view.
(Allow me to note that gender does not matter in this scene, I just used whichever stand ins for people available. Above image is courtesy of the program Celtx.)
The background itself I thought about going with a green screen that shows the Academic Support Center but decided that it may just come off as too fake and unprofessional. Ultimately I would go with a black curtain in the background all the way though. The first shot I would go with would be from Camera 2, a wide shot of the Student sitting down and observing the Tutor, who would be writing on the board, but what is seen isn't clear as I feel that it should reflect that the Academic Support Center is a place to go for help in all subjects, not just one. The Student should appear very focused at what the Tutor is writing, the Tutor should be focused as well on what they're doing as it shows the effective-ness of the Tutor's tutoring and how it can show the Student is learning. After about a few seconds we cut to Camera 1 where the Tutor turns their head back toward Camera 1 and directly says to the camera and viewer, "Hello."
For the image idea I have behind how it would appear, I would suggest something like this.
The only difference between the image and the shot itself would be that as stated, their head would face toward Camera 1. It would then cut to Camera 2 where on the left third (from the camera's point of view) there would be a tight shot of the Student sitting down and turning their head to the camera to say, "Hello!" From there, using the script, I would have it play out like this. The camera shots would be in Italics from this point on:
(Camera 2: Tight shot of the Tutor with their head turned toward the camera) Do you struggle with writing? (Idea of image demonstrated here:)
TITLE CARD: Um, yes.
(Camera 2: Tight shot of the Student) Well, you’re not alone. The great news is that there is this fantastic FREE
(Camera 1: Shot of Tutor with head turned back toward Camera 1) Free
(Camera 2: Tight shot of the Student) Free resource
(Camera 1: Tight shot of Tutor with head turned back toward Camera 1) Free resource on campus called the Academic Support Center
(Camera 2: Wide shot of both Student and Tutor with The Student saying the 1st line and the Tutor saying the 2nd.)The Academic Support Center
that is here to help.
(Camera 2: Tight shot of the Student) You, silly! Here to help you!
TITLE CARD: Oh, how?
(Camera 2: Tight shot of the Tutor with their head turned toward the camera) Well, I’m glad you asked! The Academic Support Center employs student writing tutors that are highly trained and specialized in their field. They can meet with you one-on-one during any stage of the writing process.
(Camera 1: Wide shot of the Student and the Tutor, both facing the camera with the the Student speaking the 1st, 3rd, and 5th line and Tutor speaking the 2nd and 4th) Your writing process
To help you brainstorm,
fine-tune a thesis,
work on grammar,
(They enter from the previous shot from the right side of the camera halfway between the camera and the Student) (a different person makes a face and sticks out their tongue)
narrow a topic, …(will add more)
(Camera 2: Wide shot of the Student and the Tutor, both facing the camera with the the Tutor speaking the 1st and 3rd line and Student speaking the 2nd and 4th) Tutoring can make a big difference in your essay grade,
not only on the essay you bring in,
but on future essays.
It helps you become a better writer.
(Camera 2: Tight shot of the Tutor with their head turned toward the camera) A better writer
(Camera 2: Tight shot of the Student with their head turned toward the camera) A better writer
(Camera 2: Tight shot of the Tutor with their head turned toward the camera) And, it’s fun!
(Camera 2: Tight shot of the Student with their head turned toward the camera) The Tutoring Center is conveniently located on the lower level
(Camera 1: Tight shot of Tutor with head turned back toward Camera 1) the lower level
(Camera 2: Tight shot of the Student with their head turned toward the camera)the first floor
(Camera 2: Tight shot of the Tutor with their head turned toward the camera) On the lower level of the Scarborough Library.
(Camera 2: Tight shot of the Student with their head turned toward the camera) the Scarborough Library
(Camera 2: Wide shot of the Student and the Tutor, both facing the camera with the the Tutor speaking the 1st and 3rd line and Student speaking the 2nd and 4th) The Tutoring Center is open from 8 am to 6 pm
(Camera 1: Tight shot of Tutor with head turned back toward Camera 1) Monday through Friday
(Camera 2: Tight shot of the Student with their head turned toward the camera) for face-to-face
(Camera 1: Tight shot of Tutor with head turned back toward Camera 1) one-on-one tutoring.
(Camera 2: Tight shot of the Student with their head turned toward the camera) To sign up, go to the Academic Support Center’s website
(Camera 1: Tight shot of Tutor with head turned back toward Camera 1) and click on “Sign up for a tutor.”
(Camera 2: Tight shot of the Student with their head turned toward the camera) Then, use our scheduling software to choose a date and time that fits your schedule.
TITLE CARD: Then what?
(Camera 2: Wide shot of the Student and the Tutor, both facing the camera with the the Tutor speaking the 1st and 3rd line and Student speaking the 2nd line) Just show up with your essay materials and meet your tutor!
It’s that simple.
You’ll be surprised
(Cut shot to someone) (a face with a very surprised look) WOW!
(Camera 1: Wide shot of the Student and the Tutor, both facing the camera with the the Student speaking the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th line and Student speaking the 2nd, 4th, and 6th line) how much you can accomplish one-on-one
in just a 30- or 60- minute session.
It’s important to note that writing is all about revision,
so if you don’t try it,
you may never know what a good writer
what a good writer you can be!
Remember, it’s free and it’s fun!
(Cut to several students and tutors at the Academic Support Center standing together (many voices; Many faces?): We’ll be waiting!
(Fade to Black)
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